Where is the proposed Ecusta Trail?

The 19.4-mile trail will utilize the rail corridor to connect Hendersonville and Brevard. It will pass through Laurel Park, Etowah, Horseshoe, Penrose and Pisgah Forest. The long range plan is to link to existing trails in Hendersonville, Brevard and Pisgah Forest, as well as proposed trails in Flat Rock, Fletcher, and Mills River. An up-to-date map is here.

Where would the Ecusta Trail begin and end?

The 11.1-mile Henderson County section will likely be broken into five phases. The first three phases totaling 5.8 miles, will be completed from Kanuga Road (“Busy Bend”) to Horseshoe.

The 8.3-mile Transylvania County Section will likely be broken into four phases. It will begin near the Oskar Blues Brewery in Brevard.

An up-to-date map is here.

When will work begin on the trail and when will it be completed?

Work has already begun on the trail with the removal of steel rails and crossties. For the 11-mile Henderson County section, a design firm, Vaughn & Melton, has been retained to plan the first six miles. After sections are designed and approved, construction bidding may take place. Up-to-date information about the design and construction of the trail in Henderson County is here.

Although it is difficult to predict, construction could begin by late 2022 and the first phase opened a year later and the fifth and final phase opened in 2027. Presently the Transylvania County section has no similar timetable.

Why is it called the Ecusta Trail?

"Ecusta" is derived from the Cherokee word for rippling waters which is appropriate because the trail closely follows the French Broad river. The name was also used by the Ecusta paper mill in Pisgah Forest which started operation in 1939 and employed nearly 3,500 workers during its prime. 

What is the economic benefit of the Ecusta Trail?

A 2012 corridor improvement study documented that initial construction would infuse $42 million into the community plus an annual benefit of $9.4 million in tourism revenue, health care cost savings and increased values of property along the trail. For other Economic Benefit information, see the Economic Impact page.

Who are the current players regarding the Ecusta Trail?

Currently there are three major players who are involved with the Ecusta Trail. The nonprofit environmental organization Conserving Carolina holds legal title to the 19-mile rail corridor and leased the 11-mile Henderson County section to Henderson County (government) who will design, build, and maintain the eastern section. The 8-mile section in Transylvania County presently remains under the purview of Conserving Carolina who is partnering with the City of Brevard to pursue similar design, construction and operational responsibility. The Friends of the Ecusta Trail, also a nonprofit, is a partner group with limited responsibilities. Other governmental players include the City of Hendersonville and the Town of Laurel Park through which the rail corridor passes. The North Carolina Department of Transportation, although not an “active player,” has significant input due to its grant-making involvement.

What is Railbanking?

Railbanking, as defined by the National Trails System Act, is a voluntary agreement between a railroad company and a trail agency to use an out-of-service rail corridor as a trail until a railroad might need the corridor again for rail service. Since the Act was adopted by Congress in 1983, it has preserved more than 6,200 miles of rail corridors in 40 states that would otherwise have been abandoned. Because a railbanked corridor is not considered abandoned, the complete corridor can be sold, leased or donated to a trail manager. For more information on railbanking use the link https://www.railstotrails.org/build-trails/trail-building-toolbox/acquisition/railbanking/


Once a rail trail is created and the land is federally rail-banked, are there any instances where the trails have been converted back for train operation?

There have been less than a dozen such “reactivations” since the mid 1980's. Lines were either reactivated to rail use only or a ​​conversion that allows simultaneous rail use with a physically separated but adjacent trail (i.e. 'rail with trail').  Under federal law, a fair price for the corridor and any improvements must be negotiated before reactivation can occur.

Who would operate and provide security for the trail?

Management options are being studied at this time for the entire rail corridor but will not be implemented until a phase is opened. The Henderson County portion will be considered as a linear park and managed by their Parks and Recreation Department. Security options are currently being studied. In other rail trails, security has been provided by both municipal and County agencies.

Who are the community members of the trail advisory committee?

The members of the Henderson County Rail Trail Advisory Committee are as follows: Chuck McGrady, Chairman, Selena Einwechter, David Adams, Doug Moon, Dr. Ken Shelton, Nancy McKinley, Brent Detwiler, Mike Egan, and Chris Burns. Chris Todd, Henderson County Business and Community Development Director, provides staff support for the committee.

The members of the Brevard – Transylvania Ecusta Trail Advisory Board are as follows: Mayor Maureen Copelof, Mac Morrow, Mark Tooley, (TBD) Transylvania County TDA, (TBD) Transylvania County Board of Commissioners, (TBD) Transylvania County Board of Commissioners, (TBD) Conserving Carolina, Chuck McGrady (ex-officio), Henderson County RTAC. Paul Ray, Brevard Planning Director, provides staff for the board.

Conserving Carolina paid $8 million to the railroad for the corridor in order to railbank it, what was the purpose of the landowner suit/settlement and will it affect the future of the Ecusta Trail?

The purpose of the lawsuit was to seek compensation for any ‘taking’ that may have resulted from the railbanking process.  Railbanking is defined in federal law, the National Trails System Act, and claims for compensation can be pursued and are against the U.S. government.  In this case a judgement of approximately $5 million was awarded to 164 landowners which will be paid to them by the U.S. Treasury Department.  This is exactly how the system is supposed to work and any affected landowner is entitled to receive fair compensation. 

This action and settlement was between the adjoining landowners and the federal government and will have no affect on the construction or operation of the Ecusta Trail.

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