Brevard News

Brevard Ecusta Trail Funding


Brevard is pursuing funding from governmental and private sources with the help of Conserving Carolina and the Friends of Ecusta Trail. In May, Brevard was awarded a $1 Million grant from the Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) for engineering and design work. Both Henderson and Transylvania counties are seeking federal funds under the infrastructure improvement bill passed by Congress last year–Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE). Local representatives will travel to Washington, D. C., this summer to make their case for the Ecusta Trail funding request.

In other funding assistance, the North Carolina Emergency Management Transportation Infrastructure Resiliency fund has awarded a grant of $125,000 to Conserving Carolina for the removal of the trestle over the Davidson River and Davidson River Road. The trestle was displaced during flooding last August. Work may start later this year.