In other reports, the Blue Zones Project to review trailhead access and design is nearing completion. Many comments were offered by Committee members emphasizing the need for multiple, informative, and accessible trailheads to promote use of the trail to tourists and locals. Partnerships with local businesses near the trail might fund both access (funding parking spaces, e.g.) and information related to those local businesses near the trail. A discussion was continued from the last meeting regarding abandoned railroad tracks crossing active roads. This elicited several ideas toward quick resolution of the concern. At issue, school buses are forced by law to stop at abandoned tracks causing unnecessary delays near already congested school zones. For now, the solution is unclear, but NC DOT has existing authority over the outcome. Finally, new calculations to update estimated trail costs to current prices continues, led by staff in Henderson County. When finished, this information will be valuable to all stakeholders.
A recent meeting hosted by Mayor Copelof and Brevard Planning staff focused on Transylvania landowners who have property adjacent to the trail. Attended by both individual land and business owners, primary concerns were privacy and continued access to rights of way across the Trail. Contact information was shared and future communication assured as the Trail project moves forward. Another meeting of this group will be planned as more answers and information are available.
By Matt Revis
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