A litany of considerable progress toward realization of the Ecusta Trail dominated this meeting. Mayor Maureen Copelof brought the group to order in Brevard City Council Chambers and her words were soon followed by many positive reports from attending Committee members.
Almost all warning signs have been posted on the Transylvania section of the trail. The US Department of Transportation (US DOT) will issue an official response to the Brevard/Transylvania proposal for a substantial 2022 RAISE grant on August 12, 2022. (RAISE is the acronym for Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity. These discretionary grants bring opportunities for the US Department of Transportation to invest in unique road, rail, transit, and port projects.) In addition, a NC DOT planning grant is in process and the hope is for direct planning work to begin October 1, 2022.
The local Blue Zones Project is working toward earning certification from the national organization with a deadline approaching on November 1, 2022. Blue Zone Projects seek to transform communities through efforts that support residents to live longer, healthier, happier lives. As an example, Billy Parrish from Brevard’s Blue Zone Project shared the “Watch For Me” program that promotes cyclist and pedestrian safety.
Chuck McGrady brought news from the Henderson side of the Trail. Review of Henderson County Park ordinances will soon result in recommendations for rules to govern citizen use of the Ecusta Trail, especially about wheeled vehicles. Coordinating rules across the two counties is necessary. In addition, a financial update of estimates for cost of Trail construction will help in further planning and account for recent inflationary pressure. McGrady encouraged the prioritization of local contractors, especially those with trail-building experience, for Trail construction. This notion was supported with enthusiasm by Advisory Council responses. Mayor Copelof thanked McGrady for his assistance with political contacts, including our NC Senators and the Governor’s Office, as support for the Ecusta Trail is sought from governmental agencies. Discussion followed on the allocation of sales tax revenue resulting from transportation-based businesses using new State dollars for building and maintenance of roads and bridges.
Open communication among all stakeholders was a common theme of the meeting. A series of two letters have been sent to folks who own land adjoining the trail. This communication included some basic Trail information plus an invitation to a “landowners” meeting to be held August 9, 2022, at 5:30 PM in the Rogow Family Community Room of the Transylvania Public Library (828-884-3151, 212 Gaston St, Brevard). Mayor Copelof emphasized that open communication to accept feedback, answer questions, and dispel misconceptions is vital. Several Committee members emphasized the need for frequent communication among all the agencies and constituents involved to make the best decisions for everyone in the community. With that in mind, soon a broad invitation will be issued to all interested residents for a public meeting to continue this community conversation.
The next meeting to the Brevard/Transylvania Advisory Committee is scheduled for August 31, 2022, at 3:30 PM in Brevard City Council Chambers. Open to the public. Meeting in Brevard City Council Chambers. Double-check with city for cancellations or rescheduling.
By Matt Revis
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