Hendersonville News

Henderson RTAC – July 2023


Henderson County Rail Trail Advisory Committee July 12, 2023

The happy chatter at the start of the meeting forecast the first announcement from Chair Chuck McGrady. McGrady shared astounding news: the Ecusta Trail (ET) received two large federal grants for construction. “Unprecedented” was his next word, a word that would be repeated many times before adjournment. To date a total of six grants have been awarded to the Trail, amounting to over $64.5 million for construction and planning.

The grants, a RAISE grant for $24.5 million and the NFSLTP grant for $21.4 nillion, will be administered by the US and North Carolina Departments of Transportation (DOT). Administration of the two grants for use simultaneously by the same project presents “unprecedented” complications. In fact, it appears that the federal agencies awarding the grants were not aware of that fact.  The City of Brevard is the official recipient of the RAISE grant, while the NCDOT received the NFSLTP.  Both grants were written by Brevard Planning, but NCDOT will administer both.  

Discussions between NCDOT and USDOT scheduled to occur over the next few weeks will develop written agreements to specify the manner of fund distribution to NCDOT, and how the funds must be spent.  Coordinating correct use of the two grants is challenging, said Chris Burns (Vice Chair), considering how many committees, local governments entities and multiple state and federal agencies are involved. He added assurance that through planning and communication, no federal dollars will be lost due to the complexity. 

Henderson County will proceed with trail construction soon with funds already received, primarily from Surface Transportation Block Grants (STBG). On July 7, the County posted the bid request. Interested parties must be NCDOT qualified and attend a pre-bid meeting on July 20 (late note, 25 companies attended). August 7 is the date for bid opening. Within a few weeks of receipt of bids, the NCDOT and Henderson Board of Commissioners will review and select the contractor.    

With trail construction in Henderson County imminent, McGrady opened discussion about the importance of the draft Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). Drafted by the County Attorney, this agreement will coordinate surface maintenance, security, and access along the ET.  Chris Todd reviewed maintenance details and proposed to use a contractor for most tasks and to identify a few duties for Friends of the Ecusta Trail (FOET).  Ken Shelton (FOET) mentioned that FOET responsibilities should be clearly defined.   

In other business, Kristin Cozza (Conserving Carolina) shared that the Saluda Grade to Ecusta Trail feasibility study will start this summer. Chuck McGrady noted that South Carolina has already committed $15 million for this trail project.

Next meeting for this committee is set for August 9 at 10:00 AM.