Trail amenities
About the Trail

Trail Amenities Now Become A Focus


Now that construction on the first section of the Ecusta Trail in Henderson County is approaching completion and plans for the Brevard section are moving forward, the Brevard Ecusta Trail Advisory Board (ETAB) has begun looking at amenities along the trail.

Amenities are broken down into three levels. Federal funds can be used for some amenities but not others.

Level One amenities for which federal grant funds can be used are bicycle racks, waste receptacles, benches, trail-related information signs, information kiosks or stations, and mile or location markers. Level one amenities that would have to be funded by other means include bicycle fix-it stations, drinking fountains and trail user counters. The estimated costs for non-federally funded amenities are: $2,500 – $7,000 for drinking fountains; $800 – $2,500 for bicycle fix-it stations; and $3,500 – $12,000 for trail user counters.

Level Two amenities include parking areas and bathrooms. Federal funds can be used for the bathrooms if they are in the federal footprint right-of-way. 

Level Three amenities include things such as large shelters, overlooks, gateway features, public art and interpretive exhibits. These items are not included in grant funding.

There are some distinctions among items. For example, a small, simple shelter immediately adjacent to the trail whose purpose is to provide shelter from the elements or a respite may be eligible for federal funds. However, a large picnic shelter would not be eligible for federal funding.

In the coming months, ETAB will beginprioritizing amenities and discussing their locations for the 8-mile section of the Ecusta Trail in Transylvania County.