The Friends of Ecusta Trail have been working for 14 years to see the Ecusta Trail become a reality, and we are almost there! Phase One, a six mile stretch from Hendersonville to Horse Shoe, NC has been funded by a series of private donations and grants. The construction of this section should begin in late 2023 or early 2024.
In June 2023, the City of Brevard was awarded two grants totaling more than $45 million. This grant funding – combined with donations raised by Friends of Ecusta Trail and Conserving Carolina, pledges of funding from the Tourism Development Agencies in both Transylvania and Henderson Counties, as well as previously received state funding – will allow us to build the 8 miles of trail in Transylvania and the remaining 5 miles in Henderson County.
While the actual trail construction appears to have the required funding, there will be a need for parking areas, bathrooms, water fountains, benches, maps, signage, etc. We need your help to pay for the amenities that will make the Ecusta Trail a great trail!
How You Can Help Finish the Trail
Write a check: Make your check out to Friends of Ecusta Trail. Mail the check to Friends of Ecusta Trail, P.O. Box 265, Brevard, NC 28712.
Give online: Click below to make your secure donation to Friends of Ecusta Trail.
To make a gift of liquid securities, real estate or estate gifts, call Friends of Ecusta Trail treasurer, Deb Tellman, at 828-490-1854.
Your donation is fully tax deductible. Donations may take the form of cash, securities, real estate, bequests and other planned gifts.